International Procedures
Procedurally Oriented Manuals & Standards
Since 1994, we have been working with FAA navigation specialists developing International Manuals that are procedural oriented. Our approach is to provide crews with a detailed method for performing procedures. The developed policies and procedures have been reviewed by all FAA navigation specialists.
Standard Operating Procedures
Policies and procedures are tailored to each operations specifications and are constantly being revised in order to maintain compliance with FAA and ICAO guidance. The SOP's have been developed from:
- FAA Safety Bulletins
- Safety Management System Reports
- Experience
- Recommended Best Practice
Streamlined Part 91 Operational Approval
The FAA has streamlined the Part 91 Operational Approval process for obtaining or amending Part 91 Letters of Authorization(s) (LOAs). View our Procedural Statement of Compliance (PSOC). This document represents compliance and acceptance by the FAA as a service provider to complete Part 91 LOAs through the streamline process.
International Regulation
ICAO Safety Bulletins
ICAO has developed safety bulletins to inform the industry of common mistakes and offer recommended standard operating procedures:
Each International Manual is modified to specifically address each client's specifications and operating rule.
Areas of Emphasis
Items that are unique to each operation include:
- Computerized Flight Plan Format
- International Qualification Requirements
- Training Requirements
- Aircraft Specifications
- Special Areas of Operations
Revisions and iPad Service
Revisions are provided for subscribers of our Compliance Management System (CMS) and distributed in our LevelFlight - Mobile iPad application. As international revisions are completed operators are updated in real-time.
International Guidance
Applicable to all United States operators part 91.703 states in part when operating a civil aircraft of the U.S. registry outside the United States over the high seas operations will comply with ICAO Annex 2 Rules of the Air. Additionally within a foreign country operators must comply with the regulations relating to flight for that airspace. In order to comply with part 91.703(a)(2) operators must be compliant for a particular region, it is recommended to download the most current country specific Aircraft Information Publication (AIP) for that Foreign Information Region (FIR).
More Information
About Us
Fly Compliant, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance and provides support in all areas of operations. With years of experience we understand the complexities of operations and have built relationships with the many different regulatory agencies:
