Compliance as a Service (CaaS)
Subscription-based Compliance.
Why do we build as SaaS?
Offering software as a service allows our customers to purchase subscriptions on demand, apply customizations to their instance and also benefitting from global rollouts of new features and functionality as they become available.
Offereing software as a service allows us to scale our platforms faster and more easily to continuously improve the experience and the toolset.
Our Solution
LevelFlight.com and the LevelFlight iOS App was developed by Fly Compliant, LLC in 2000 to automate many of the required record keeping functions of an air carrier. By developing a cloud based system we are able to offer operators real-time access to all aspects of their flight department worldwide.
LevelFlight distributes data efficiently to all departments and allows real-time analysis of operational data. With our aviation & IT experience, we have set ourselves apart in developing a system to manage any size flight department.
LevelFlight was designed as a compliance system to aid operations in regulatory requirements for any 14 CFR Part. The software provides easy access to and functionality for most all of an operation's daily tasks and regulatory compliance needs.
LevelFlight Features & Functionality
LevelFlight is designed to support any size operation worldwide with a fully functioning quoting engine. Engineered to provide answers for clients, brokers and internal matrices, LevelFlight's calendar offers a streamline interface, displaying both pilots and aircraft availability and schedules. The quote is exported to a report, sent with customizable terms and conditions with all fees and applicable taxes.
Scheduling & Dispatching
Designed for Part 135 Operators, LevelFlight's scheduling and dispatching module is crafted for compliance. Scheduling provides a number of efficiencies with flexibility to include split trips and allow different types of permutations. Dispatched flights will meet regulatory legalities and provide notification if crew or aircraft does not meet the requirements. The output is a quote emailed in seconds anywhere for booking.
Pilot Records
Approved for OpSpecs A025, LevelFlight is one of the original platforms allowing electronic records. All pilot records are maintained individually for every type of training and checking required by rule. Designed to address the recordkeeping requirements for Part 135 Operators, LevelFlight's record matrix will provide an at-a-glance records check on the dashboard.
Manual Development & Distribution
Since 1994, LevelFlight continues to develop compliant manual systems for the aviation industry. With the advent of LevelFlight, we have the ability to revise and instantly distribute accepted and approved manuals to crews and maintenance personnel anywhere in the world. All manuals are added to OpSpecs A025 and a number of our operators are paperless.
Safety Management System (SMS)
The LevelFlight Safety Management System (SMS) is the core of the system. By not only assessing past events and proactively reviewing the Risk Profile for the group, LevelFlight is constantly updating and improving best practices and procedures through each finding. Operating safer is one of many benefits from being part of LevelFlight.
LevelFlight's mobile app is a structured and efficient means for organizing pilot expenses. Pilots can include all associated expenses from related flights and attach an image of the receipt(s). Through the app, accounting personnel have access to all expense reports.
CASS Management
For large operators, LevelFlight has expanded its Safety Management System platform to address all CASS requirements, including internal audits and tracking of individual maintenance events. Each event or ticket may be assigned to individual and tracked until a resolution is determined. This includes performing a risk assessment and root cause analysis. The corrective action is then stored in LevelFlight's database and may be reviewed by the company's FAA CMT. This is a comprehensive system fully compliant with AC 120-79A.
More Information
About Us
Fly Compliant, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance and provides support in all areas of operations. With years of experience we understand the complexities of operations and have built relationships with the many different regulatory agencies:
