International Training
Latest Guidance. Best Operating Practices.
Our International Training Process.
Initial Training (24 hrs.)
Recurrent Training (8 hrs.)
Areas of Emphasis
- Flight Release
- Computer Flight Plan
- Programming LRNS
- Contingency Procedures
- Postflight requirements
The following items are standardized among operations, to:
Standardized Operations:
- Maintaining accuracy RNP vs ANP
- The Mach Number Technique
- ADS-C and Reporting of Positions
- Standardized ATC phraseology used in each area of operation ICAO vs FAA
- CRM and crew members cross-checking
- Understanding FAA Authorizations (OpSpecs and LOAs)
- Third Country Operator approval
- Ramp Inspection Program requirements
- Postflight requirements
- Reporting Errors
Special Areas of Operations (SAO) training required for.
- Areas of Magnetic Unreliability (AMU)
- Polar operations
- NAT/HLA airspace
- Central East Pacific (CEPAC) airspace
- North Pacific (NOPAC) airspace
- Pacific Organized Track System (PACOTS)
- West Atlantic Route System (WATRS) and the Caribbean Sea
- Gulf of Mexico control areas (Gulf routes).
- Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)
- Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
More Information
About Us
Fly Compliant, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance and provides support in all areas of operations. With years of experience we understand the complexities of operations and have built relationships with the many different regulatory agencies:
