Safety Management System (SMS)
A Collective Approach to SMS
A systemic approach to managing risk.
Collective Risk Management is our SMS process. Safety is all our responsibilities and we have assembled and organized a safety board to analyze identified risks. Our Safety Board is comprised of aviation and business professional to analyze the data collected. This is our comprehensive approach to risk management.
The Fly Compliant, LLC SMS manual and data collection system is constantly updated to address actual events and reduce risks for all members. Contact our team for more information on our SMS solution.
The Fly Compliant SMS Solution
Event reporting
Fly Compliant, LLC developed as part of our SMS data management. Individual users of the LevelFlight system report de-identified hazards during operations and maintenance events. LevelFlight has a companion application for any iOS devices and mobile friendly website so better enable users to report events in real time.
Data collection
An integral part of our comprehensive solution is managing the data and determining risks and trends. LevelFlight provides reports to identify trends and determines deviations from standards. Over time we have successfully lowered risks by identify trends and established needed emphasis controls and associated training.
An Internal Evaluation Program (IEP) is part of our LevelFlight SMS. The IEP is part of an audit process and is updated as needed by reviewing trends and focuses on the areas noted from deviating standards. As findings are discovered controls are developed to reduce risks going forward.
Risk Management
The LevelFlight SMS allows for Risk Management by identify risks and cataloging an assessment. The outcome are revisions to procedures and/or training to reduce risks.
Safety Performance Indicators
Safety Performance Indicators or SPIs are identified events over a twelve-month period to determine the overall performance and effectiveness of the system. SPIs have a tolerance associated to each type of event triggering an operational reaction. As part of the Fly Compliant Safety Board the group sets norms for members developing standards to SPI events.
Risk Profile
The result of the Fly Compliant, LLC LevelFlight SMS is a proactive Risk Profile. By constantly assessing operational risks the Fly Compliant Safety Board determines procedures for addressing the catalogue of known risks by evolving SOPs.
Automated Risk Assessment (ARA)
The Automated Risk Assessment or ARA is an objective process of using real-time data, pilots information, aircraft, and airports. Then providing a risk score that is easily understood by all concerned. The ARA is part of our functional SMS enhancing safety at the time of each departure. Learn More about ARA.
Real Time SMS
As part of our ARA report we provide a Threat Briefing detailing the known threats for the pilots and the company. This is actually an enhancement to our SOPs. As part of standard procedures pilots need to brief associated risk factors, the ARA highlights the known risks therefore enhancing safety.
SMS Innovation
The FAA issued Order 8040.4 in 1998 as a systemic approach to managing risk. Safety Risk Management has evolved into Safety Management System (SMS) that encompasses all facets for any size operation. Since 2002 Fly Compliant, LLC has been developing a Collective System Safety approach to risk management. With our proprietary software LevelFlight we incorporated SMS modules including event reporting. The process is very simple, trends are noted from reported events and SOPs are revised or training is increased in certain areas to address negative trends. As a group or collective all the LevelFlight users benefit from this type of shared data.
By developing a comprehensive safety manual and a web-based portal, Fly Compliant, LLC has a complete process to provide management the ability to reduce risk.
LevelFlight has pioneered and incorporated an ease to use and understand SMS Solution. The issue with most SMS platforms is the terminology is not clearly defined. The outcome SMS is confusing and overly complicated to many, leading to misuse if used at all. We are constantly revising and innovating SMS processes to foster a better understanding and application. We produce a SMS manual with plain language that is easy to understand and apply.
Safety managers need help and with our collective approach you do not have to be alone. We are bringing operators together as a group, determining solutions to common problems. Safety should be shared across the industry since accidents and incidents negatively affect all of us. With the LevelFlight database we have created comprehensive register (collection of events) but unlike other platforms we are providing updated SOPs to manage risk. We distribute recommendations to the Fly Compliant manual users of findings and pending changes.
We have created the Fly Compliant, LLC Safety Board acting as a group to analyze data and LevelFlight events. We have developed Collective Resource Management for SMS with our Fly Compliant Safety Board assessing risk which leads to the development of new policies and procedures. The outcome is a standard among a group of operators reducing risk and increasing efficiencies. The ultimate objective of SMS is achieved.
More Information
About Us
Fly Compliant, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance and provides support in all areas of operations. With years of experience we understand the complexities of operations and have built relationships with the many different regulatory agencies:
