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Aviation. Safety. Compliance.
Fly Compliant's Evolving Role
A Force for Change.
Fly Compliant prides itself on always being the subject matter expert when it comes to aviation safety and regulatory compliance and continues to inspire an industry with its invention, commitment to safety and devotion to an evolving sector. The following are some of the latest developments in our fulfillment of that mission.
New Collaboration with the US Private Aviation Association (USPAA) - August, 2023
Fly Compliant, LLC is announcing its collaboration with the US Private Aviation Association (USPAA). USPAA is a new organization dedicated to the interest of part 135 operators. Join us in Nashville September 7th and 8th as Fly Compliant and USPAA will be presenting their goals for the industry.
5th Annual Compliance Seminar - August, 2023
Fly Compliant, LLC is hosting its 5th annual compliance seminar on September 7th and 8th in Nashville. This year we have set a new industry standard, with a less is more approach by introducing "Explicit Procedures" in our manual system. We are removing the bloat and unnecessary content and then offering a back-to-basic approach to training. This approach enhances efficiency and increases safety.
Aircrew Program Designees - May, 2022
Fly Compliant has developed the first part 135 Aircrew Designated Examiner Program which consists of an Aircraft Program Designee (ADE) and Aircrew Program Manager (APM). An ADE allows operators to designate their own check pilots and conduct certification within a specifically-approved program. The FAA monitors the program with a designated APM, usually a FAA inspector other than the POI.
Pilot Development Program - February, 2022
Fly Compliant has developed the standard to comply with AC 135-43 Pilot Development Program to obtain OpSpecs A062. The PDP program allows a pilot employed by a part 135 air carrier and serving as an assigned second in command (SIC) in a multiengine airplane or single-engine, turbine-powered airplane to log SIC flight time during operations that do not require a second pilot.
Annual Compliance Seminar - August, 2022
Orlando, FL November 3rd and 4th Fly Compliant is hosting its annual compliance seminar and introducing the ACE Program pilot training concept. The ACE Program is a back to basic approach for pilots to be fully engaged and not reliant on technology.
Hazardous Material Manual - September, 2021
The Fly Compliant, LLC hazardous material manual for Will and Will-Not-Carry programs has been selected as the manual of choice by the FAA to address the requirements of AC 121-40.
Fly Compliant PSOC Approval - October, 2021
Fly Compliant has developed a standard process for assisting in the streamlining of the LOA process.
A New Website - March, 2021
Fly Compliant, LLC launches a new website providing answers to regulatory questions. Over the years we have answered many regulatory questions. Now we have created a regulatory database to answer many of the common questions. Users can even submit their own regulatory question to our team of experts.
Fly Compliant Safety Standard - March, 2021
Fly Compliant, LLC releases the Fly Compliant, LLC Safety Standard detailing requirements to meet the highest operating requirements. Operators using our LevelFlight SMS will be provided an Automated Risk Assessment (ARA), as an objective measurement of operational risk distributed to all parties per flight.
Threat Briefing - March, 2021
As part of our Automated Risk Assessment Fly Compliant, LLC has developed a Dynamic Threat Briefing based on actual conditions. Operators using the now provide pilots a standardized method of briefing for the pending flight with real-time data. This increases CRM for both pilots and ensures compliance with SOPs. The threat brief highlights flight conditions to emergency procedures increasing pilot awareness and safety.
Fly Compliant Safety Board - March, 2021
Fly Compliant, LLC announces assemblance of the Fly Compliant Safety Board. The safety board is comprised of industry professionals and business leaders. Safety Board mission is to assess operational risk and develop standards for all members using the LevelFlight Safety Management System (SMS). An outcome of this process will be a proactive Risk Profile with an evolving manual system with the latest risk assessment.
CRM for SMS - March, 2021
Fly Compliant, LLC has introduced Collective Resource Management for Safety Management System or CRM for SMS. The Fly Compliant, LLC safety board will review all participating LevelFlight user’s data and will focus on an acceptable operating standard. By focusing on procedures an outcome will be a group standard. The benefit is safer practices and highly efficient operations.
The Evolution of SMS
Safety Management needs to be participated by all stakeholders and seen as an industry standard not just specific to any one company. Safety management for General Aviation industry has not been fully realized.
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About Us
Fly Compliant, LLC specializes in regulatory compliance and provides support in all areas of operations. With years of experience we understand the complexities of operations and have built relationships with the many different regulatory agencies:
